Introduction to Computers
Includes the most recent developments in the computer industry, computer applications, the Internet, and the components of a computer system. Laboratory exercises stress application programs such as word processing, spreadsheet, and database.
Subject Code: CIS
Course Number: 102
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Use email client or web platform to deliver and receive email.
2. Modify, view or merge records as needed using a Data Base program.
3. Save and modify files using a Spreadsheet program.
4. Save and modify files using a Word Processing program.
5. Modify, save or display presentations as needed using a Presentation Software program.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

Tutoring Services
Tutoring for all GCC students is available free of charge by professional and peer tutors. We are offering tutoring online for: accounting, math, writing, chemistry, physics, general biology, anatomy & physiology, American Sign Language, and success skills.