College Physics 2
An algebra/trigonometry based introduction to physics for career or transfer students with majors somewhat, but not closely, related to physics. Topics include Coulomb’s law, potential, Kirchhoff’s laws, capacitance, magnetic fields, induction, RC, RL and LC circuits, alternating currents, sound, electromagnetic waves, standing waves, interference, optics, atomic and nuclear physics. Three class hours, three lab hours. Spring only. Prerequisite: MAT 121 or MAT 136 or higher or by placement.
Subject Code: PHY
Course Number: 122
Credits: 4
Lecture Hours 3
Lab Hours: 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Apply basic principles of electromagnetism conceptually, using proper terminology. (This includes electric fields and potentials, magnetic fields and forces, induction, DC and AC circuits including capacitors and inductors.)
2. Apply basic principles of waves and optics conceptually, using proper terminology. (This includes standing waves, interference, lenses and mirrors.)
3. Apply basic principles of atomic and nuclear physics conceptually, using proper terminology. (This includes energy levels, semiconductors and radioactivity.)
4. Translate questions about physical topics into mathematical expressions.
5. Solve the equations they have set up. (This includes fluent use of algebra and appropriate use of units and graphs.)
6. Reason creatively, developing solutions to multi-step problems which are not identical to others they have seen before.
7. Use laboratory equipment, given written instructions, to demonstrate and verify theoretical principles in actual physical systems.
8. Analyze the results of laboratory experiments, including their probable error, to draw conclusions on whether they are in agreement with generally accepted values or principles.
9. Prepare lab reports which clearly convey the underlying ideas of experiments as well as the methods and results.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

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